Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thesis Outline

Thesis outline

- Definition of social conscious design
- History of social conscious design
- Importance of social conscious design
- Previous method of message delivery and its problem

- Current problem surrounding social conscious design and execution
- Examples of social conscious design
- Successful and failed examples of social conscious design and its reasons
- Process of developing a social conscious design
- Result and impact on society by social conscious design
- Various methodologies that used in social conscious design

- Reason for the new method of message delivery is required
- Potential impact on the society by the new way of spreading message to the general public

Friday, April 11, 2008

Extreme Right wing anti-drug film

This film was sponsored by US governement
to demostrate the potential outcome from marijuana
drug use. Too extreme to the point it became cult classic


In the last century, designers created social-conscious based posters, flyers, tv spots and the like with dramatic visuals at the center of a campaign.

With the advent of nearly unlimited networks of storage and distribution, the 21st Century offers designers more nuanced, transparent and possibly more effective tools for social message conveying.

This thesis will examine the power of databases, user-generated content and information design for the purpose of promoting social causes.

DUI Campaign Contrast



Thursday, April 10, 2008

the expected

this is example of one of the most cliche
way of showing the shocking image.

contrast between the girl and the bloody animal i got it.
stop making those.

It lost its meaning

Every year somewhere around the world
anti-fur people take their cloth off and
demonstrate. It lost is meaning awhile ago!

Shock treatment

Another shocking treatment for anti-fur campaign.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

People I met

James - Computer programmer
John - Works for an insurance company
O - Community College teacher/Machine related

Extreme Anti-smoking ad

Do we really need to show extreme graphic
to bring awareness to people?

What the World Eats

This photo project shows how differen people around the
world consume and lacking of.

Great way of bring awareness. Rather than showing graphic
images of famine in Africa.,29307,1626519_1373721,00.html

Bike to Rwanda

Sending Bikes for carrier for coffee workers in
Rwanda. Also, selling for fair trade method.

The State of Design

A qoute from Designer name Clement Mok.

He talks about during time of social difficulty
designer role as social responsible person.

"Although design is one of the most profoundly powerful disciplines in our modern information culture, its identity as a profession is in a state of incoherent disarray verging on crisis. The economic slowdown and tenuous world situation provide us an opportunity to come together as designers to articulate and organize our professional culture, to enhance our recognition and prestige within the context of an increasingly design-reliant information economy and to wield our influence in ways that will benefit humanity and the planet.”