Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Post Natural Disaster Stress - For children (continue)

"Youngsters may feel that what is happened is their fault" Mary L. Hughes - Psychologist

Two types of reaction due to natural disaster

1. keep feelings inside
2. Outburst of their emotions

More tips on helping children 
- Be a good role model
- let the older children be the role model for other children
- Let them talk about what is bothering them
- Make more contact with children
- Tell stories or find children's book that help them understand about stressful circumstances

Post Natural Disaster Stress - For children

- Spend more time with children
- Let them be more dependent
- Provide activities to help relieve tension
- Keep regular schedule for children

Seek for professional help when...

- a person is showing prolonged reactions due to natural disaster trauma
- with children whom continues to show aggressive emotional outbursts, serious problem at school, etc.

Post Natural Disaster Stress - Overcome the trauma

- Give yourself time to heal 
- Ask for mental/physical support from love ones
- Local support group
- Engage in healthy behavior
- Avoid major life decisions
- Become knowledgeable about the natural disaster

Post Natural Disaster Stress - Diagnosis

Psychological Damage

Shock - Intense disturbance of emotional state that leave feeling of stunned or dazed
Denial - One is not acknowledging that something stressful as happened

- Feelings become intense and unpredictable.
- Thoughts and behavior patterns are affected by trauma
- Common recurring emotional reaction
- Defect on interpersonal relationship
- Physical symptoms may accompnay

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Special Features_01

Pre_recorded voice

Once you settle down in a shelter or safe place,
you can play love one's prerecorded voice form the device.

Special Features_01

Safe & Sound Notifier

After encountering natural disaster.
By utilizing GPS, it will let friends and family members
to know that they are safe.

Also, the device will indicate the location of the love ones.

Special Features_02

Post Disaster Planner

After encountering with natural disaster, 

it gives people direction how to get back to their feet and plan out their next move.

Special Features_03

Design for Religious People

Message from above to comfort them in difficult time

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Thesis Project Proposal

Natural Disaster Aid Device

Purpose: To assist people who are faced with overpowering natural disasters
Supplier: US state that frequently faces natural disaster (ex. Florida, Louisiana)

Radio Frequency
Weather report
Shelter Information
Emergency Signal

Stress Management Application

Purpose: To manage stress level within work force in American
Supplier: Developed from Iphone application developer to iphone/free to download

Run stress test
Data to human resource manager
Color and sound relaxation
Pointing out the stress factor

Diabetic Management Application

Purpose: To assist people whom suffers from type 1 & 2
Supplier: Developed from iphone application developer to iphone/free to download

Input nutrition data
Insulin level alert
Automatic report to doctor
Emergency room status

Designer 911

Purpose: To help non-designers with everyday design challenges
Supplier: Design community by pro-bono/free to download throught iphone

2 ways of connecting: by web or iphone
Design problem - solved by a professional designer
Send out comment or sketches on iphone

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thesis Outline

Thesis outline

- Definition of social conscious design
- History of social conscious design
- Importance of social conscious design
- Previous method of message delivery and its problem

- Current problem surrounding social conscious design and execution
- Examples of social conscious design
- Successful and failed examples of social conscious design and its reasons
- Process of developing a social conscious design
- Result and impact on society by social conscious design
- Various methodologies that used in social conscious design

- Reason for the new method of message delivery is required
- Potential impact on the society by the new way of spreading message to the general public

Friday, April 11, 2008

Extreme Right wing anti-drug film

This film was sponsored by US governement
to demostrate the potential outcome from marijuana
drug use. Too extreme to the point it became cult classic


In the last century, designers created social-conscious based posters, flyers, tv spots and the like with dramatic visuals at the center of a campaign.

With the advent of nearly unlimited networks of storage and distribution, the 21st Century offers designers more nuanced, transparent and possibly more effective tools for social message conveying.

This thesis will examine the power of databases, user-generated content and information design for the purpose of promoting social causes.

DUI Campaign Contrast



Thursday, April 10, 2008

the expected

this is example of one of the most cliche
way of showing the shocking image.

contrast between the girl and the bloody animal i got it.
stop making those.

It lost its meaning

Every year somewhere around the world
anti-fur people take their cloth off and
demonstrate. It lost is meaning awhile ago!

Shock treatment

Another shocking treatment for anti-fur campaign.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

People I met

James - Computer programmer
John - Works for an insurance company
O - Community College teacher/Machine related

Extreme Anti-smoking ad

Do we really need to show extreme graphic
to bring awareness to people?

What the World Eats

This photo project shows how differen people around the
world consume and lacking of.

Great way of bring awareness. Rather than showing graphic
images of famine in Africa.,29307,1626519_1373721,00.html

Bike to Rwanda

Sending Bikes for carrier for coffee workers in
Rwanda. Also, selling for fair trade method.

The State of Design

A qoute from Designer name Clement Mok.

He talks about during time of social difficulty
designer role as social responsible person.

"Although design is one of the most profoundly powerful disciplines in our modern information culture, its identity as a profession is in a state of incoherent disarray verging on crisis. The economic slowdown and tenuous world situation provide us an opportunity to come together as designers to articulate and organize our professional culture, to enhance our recognition and prestige within the context of an increasingly design-reliant information economy and to wield our influence in ways that will benefit humanity and the planet.”

Thursday, March 13, 2008

People I met

Francis - Architect
Craig - Marekting executive
James - NA
Yan - Industrial Designer

Fair Trade

Started in 1950s in Europe
which importers (manufaturers) pay reasonable price
for people who works for it.

This chart is from Korean Times general consumer's
willingness to buy fair trade goods.
People do care but there are still long way to go.

Anti Adida Demonstration

Workers in Indonesia Jakarta Adidas
demonstrate against their poor working condition.

Facts about Child Labor

Michael Jordan's line of Nike sneakers are made by children in Indonesia working for 19 cents an hour.

Estimates by human rights experts are that there are as many as 200 million children under the age of 14 who are working full-time. Because these children are paid little and do not receive an education, they have little chance of breaking the cycle of poverty in which they are caught.

Children are typically paid one-half to one-third what is paid to adults doing comparable work. The children are often exposed to significant health hazards and subjected to extreme physical, verbal and even sexual abuse. While many children work to add to the family income, others are literally sold into bondage by their parents in return for money or credit.

In these countries children are widely employed in restaurants, canteens, garages, tanneries, and brick kilns where they work for up to 15 hours a day, without leave for months together. Those working as household help are just slightly better off.
Children begin work at the age of nine or ten, and enter full-time waged labour after leaving primary school at the age of 12 or 13. Most children work full-time, seven hours per day, and six days a week. In general, children are paid 6,000 to 9,000 Indonesian rupiahs (approximately $3.40 - $5.10) per week.

At the age of 4, Iqbal was sold into bonded labour by his father for $12. For six years he was forced to work 16 hours a day in a carpet factory.

Children are used extensively in the carpet and soccer ball industries because their small hands and nimble fingers enable them to become particularly adept at weaving and stitching. Although Pakistan has put laws in effect to restrict the use of child labour, the government lacks the resources to enforce them. The lack of any federal requirement for compulsory education is also a major factor contributing to the continued use of child labour.

Nike's & Legal Loop Hole

When Nike were caught by media for their
child labor exploitation,

they claim that Nike have been using subsidizing
comapaies in Indonesia and they had no knowlegde
or control about child labor.

They paid children $5 per day and selling it for
$125. How could they not aware of this fact?

NIke & child labor

India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia are
the infamous ground fo Nike's exploitation of
child labor.

Children gets paid as low as 20 cents an hour to
produce good such as soccerballs and shoes.

As design, they make wonderful items the dillema
comes when child labor if involved in this.

History of Child Labor

There are evidences of child labor in bible

David serving King Saul
Hercules and Hylas

In time of industrial revolutiuon child labor reached its peak.
People's lives was controlled by employers and children were forced
to work at a factory.

The most extreme case of child labor would be
military and child prosititution.

The questions comes down to is it justifiable to
in time of hardship to putting children in workplace?

What is social conciousness?

It can also be defined as social awareness; to be aware of the problems that different societies and communities face on a day-to-day basis; to be conscious of the difficulties and hardships of society.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

People I met this week

Elliot: He goes to our program. For my project I need a hairy person and he seems like one so I started talking to him.

Joe: He goes to our gym. I don't know what he does but really nice guy.

JR: I met him on Path train. He is an struggling artist who tries to make it happen.

New York Times

More Americans Are Giving Up Golf
Men could not take a whole day off and play golf with their buddies becuase the idea
of the family became their priority list.

Mercury Taint Divides a Japanese Whaling Town
Catching dolphins and whales for years in Shore of Japan is finally caught up.

Protesters Attack U.S. Embassy in Belgrade
It's dangerous to be an American!

Treatment for SP

There two streams of treatment of SP

1. psychological therapy

Behavior Therapy - Social phobia treatment
Cognitive Therapy - Social phobia treatment
Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) - Social phobia treatment
Relaxation Techniques - Social phobia treatment
Hypnotherapy – Social phobia Treatment
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) – Social phobia Treatment

2. medical
These are the medicines used for treatment;
Paxil CR

These medications all have side effects such as sexual dysfunction and sedation.
I am searching for better form of remedy.

Reason for social phobia

biological makeup
Behaviors learned from role models
Life events and experiences


A new word I learned "MUTISM"

A person with social phobia does not talk in social settings or situations.

Elements creating social anxiety

Being introduced to other people
Being teased or criticized
Being the center of attention
Being watched while doing something
Meeting people in authority ("important people")
Most social encounters, particularly with strangers
Making "small talk" at parties
Going around the room in a circle and having to say something

Social Anxiety

I found list of different scenarios of people with
social anxiety.

Some are severe enough to trap them inside their world
and not be able to get out of their disorder.

Mental Illness

As I was conducting research about AD
I wanted to broaden my perspective.
I started looking for overall view of mental illness.

Social phobia which falls into category of anxiety
disorders seems to be very interesting.

I am going to conduct more research on social phobia and
what kind of solution to help patients.

Adjustment disorder medical question

I found in Korean medical website about AD questionnaires.

Adjustment Disorder Treatment

Adjustment disorder cannot be determined by a lab test.
But some cases physical disorder/discomfort can lead into
adjustment disorder.

Here are six major check list.

Adjustment disorder with depressed mood;
Adjustment disorder with anxiety;
Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood;
Adjustment disorder with disturbance of conduct;
Adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct;
Adjustment disorder unspecified.

Therapy session is the strongest form of treatment especially looking at family history.

Analyzing Child's behavior

An American family moved to Taipei to live and their son who
is 4 years old is showing several signs of temper tantrum.

It was caused by Adjustment disorder which takes adult to deal with this
issue in 3-6 months but it could be difficult for a child.

I am getting more interested in adjustment disorder.

Aggressive behavior from an Alzheimer's patient

One of reason much like other reason for angry behavior is similar to others.
"The person may be fatigued, confused, or in pain and unable to express or describe what he or she is feeling. When the anger is directed towards you,"
Since Alzheimer patients share somewhat similar mental state as child this can be explained.
Their only method of expressing their emotion is by showing anger or angry outburst.

Angry Child

one of the reason children act in such angry manner is because

"some inexplicable reason they feel that everything that happens to them is simply unfair."

"A happy child with strong self-esteem and an optimistic outlook is not so quick on the draw; she's more likely to empathize with others and can apply better problem-solving skills to frustrating situations. "

"The anger may stem from family problems (such as divorce, alcoholism, death in the family), social problems (loneliness, teasing from peers), school problems (learning difficulties, underachieving), or internal problems (such as depression). The anger can be a reaction to stress in the overwhelmed family, or can be the way the child learned to act in order to get what she wants."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Anti-social behaviour

I am looking more broadly on my thesis topic.
One of thing I started looking was anti-social behaviour.
Little things I used to do can also be accounted as ASB! like littering.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Steve Job's Presentation

I remeber taking Tom's interactive I class and he mentioned
if you can give presentation like steve jobs you can get any job.

A Summary of Principles for User-Interface Design

This academic article about UI is really helpful.
It talks about lot of different aspects of UI design.

Great article about interface design

This article talks about the problems with UI.
and what we can do to fix it.

Interface design by Jeff Han

Another future of design and future. I need to find trend to complete my

Intuitive design

What makes it intuitive design?
Human mind and programing cannot be in same plane.

People I met

These are some colorful characters I met this week.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Horse Surfing

Started from England.

Putting two raw natural elements together.